A lot of construction companies may promise you the finest quality work and designs tailored specifically for you, but not many will put their money where their mouth is! Here at Marble Construction we commissioned a photographer to take a look around a flat refurbishment and conversion so we can show you the quality of every aspect of our work.
This is typical of the high standard of work produced by Marble Construction. The Dormer is offset from both party walls and end walls for aesthetics whilst the individualized design of the dormer maximizes the ceiling height and useable floor space.
We are more than a construction company, our attention to detail goes all the way to the interior design and fixtures. In this room of the refurbishment the Dark hardwood flooring’s contrast against the bright walls is accented by soft up-facing and spot lighting.
A concern for a lot of people considering a conversion is where the stairs would go, especially in a small landing area. In this photograph we can see how our architects carefully considered how best to use the space available for access to the newly created rooms in the attic.
The kitchen is commonly referred to as the heart of a home. Here you can see how this ran-down space has been transformed into a modern and practical kitchen which uses the same dark wood and white surface combination as the rest of the flat to give a very stylish impression.