The FMB is the largest trade association in the U.K building industry. The FMB is an independent, non-profit organization which exists to protect high quality building services such as Marble Construction and to protect the building industry and customers from rogue traders.
As regulated members of the FMB, Marble Construction supports the FMB’s guide to finding and reputable company. We comply with their suggestions completely to assure both our quality and your satisfaction.
In the release the FMB states:
“Carefully extended and renovated homes suit growing families, but at the same time, their owners dramatically increased the value of their properties. They also chose their builder wisely and as you see, it certainly paid off!”
The FMB goes on to give this advice to those looking to renovate or extend their properties.
1.“If you are considering having building work done to your home never employ a cold caller.”
Marble Construction never cold calls people, we are so sure that our quality of work speaks for itself that most of our contracts come from word of mouth not an advertising scheme or cold calling.
2. “Be specific and prepare a detailed brief”.
Many building companies will charge you for every time the plans are sent back to the designer for modifications. At Marble Construction communication between us both are seen as crucial and to make sure you get the extension or renovation you want, we include 3 redesigns of the plans and modifications as standard without extra charge.
3. “Choose a reputable builder. Ask friends and family for recommendations or check with a trade association such as the FMB”.
Read any of our case studies to be assured that we have a reputation for high quality work at reasonable prices. We are registered with the F.M.B and are recommended by their Find a Builder tool.
4. “Quotes should include the whole project including materials, removal of rubbish and making good after the project has finished”.
Marble Construction not only includes this as standard (something not many companies do) but also includes advice on things like skip permits and rights of access.
5. “Use a contract.”
We use the FMB’s pre written contract as standard as it includes everything that we both require and it is written in plain English, no jargon, no errors. However if you would like to draw up your own contract we are happy to use it. The F.M.B contract is available on their website free of charge.
6. “Never pay the full cost of the project up front. Agree a payment plan as part of the contract”.
Once again this is all standard with Marble Construction as your satisfaction with the work is very important to us as we take pride in our work.
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really cool loft!